
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Londo?o Berrío” ,找到相关结果约132832条。
Guerra contra las drogas, populismo punitivo y criminalización de la dosis personal
Londoo Berrío,Hernando León; Restrepo Parra,Adrián;
Estudios Políticos , 2011,
Abstract: within the context of the so-called ''international war against drugs,'' the efforts of alvaro uribe velez's government managed to abolish the libertarian state policy that allowed a ''personal dose.'' this was done through the passing of a constitutional reform that bans the consumption of drugs and the behaviors usually associated with it. this constitutes a political fact, but it is rather presented as a public policy, justified by the argument of general interest for the benefit of society as a whole, including the addict, who is forced to go through rehabilitation programs based on psychiatric treatment. this article claims that the reform was motivated by reasons and interests different from the ones used as argument to justify it, that is, by the aspiration of uribe vélez to being reelected as president. if it is thus, the policy of criminalizing the personal dose is nothing but what criminology has labeled as punitive populism.
Distribución celular de Presenilina 1 y procesamiento de la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide en portadores de la mutación E280a
Gabriel Bedoya Berrío,Jorge Eliécer Ossa Londoo,Fabiola Toro,Andrés Villegas
Iatreia , 2000,
Abstract: Introducción: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer, es la demencia más frecuente en la edad adulta y la cuarta causa de muerte en los países desarrollados. Esta demencia, puede presentarse en una forma esporádica, cuando ningún otro familiar ha sido afectado por la enfermedad; o en una forma familiar, cuando en la familia del enfermo ha habido otras personas afectadas por la enfermedad. En Antioquia (Colombia), el grupo de Neurociencias de la Universidad de Antioquia ha detectado el grupo familiar de enfermos de Alzheimer, más grande del mundo; en este grupo se ha determinado como único factor asociado al desarrollo de la enfermedad, la presencia de la mutación de Acido Glutámico por Alanita en el codon 280 de la Presenilina 1. Otra proteína, relacionada con el desarrollo de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer familiar, es la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide, la cual sufre un proceso proteolítico, generando como subproducto un péptido de 39 a 43 amino ácidos llamado b Amiloide, quien es el principal componente de las placas seniles, que constituyen uno de los rasgos histopatológicos de la enfermedad. Con la presente investigación, pretendemos evaluar estas proteínas, en una forma cuantitativa, en células procedentes de: individuos portadores de la mutación E280A enfermos de Alzheimer, portadores de la mutación E280A asintomáticos y sanos no portadores de la mutación. Materiales y Métodos: Cultivos celulares - Detección de la mutación E280A - Western Blotting para las proteínas: Presenilina 1 y la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide - Estudio citogenético de células HeLa - Detección de la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide por Citometría de flujo - Análisis estadístico e interpretación de los resultados Resultados: Por primera vez, se logra la detección de la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide, por medio de Citometría de flujo, lográndose tanto la detección de la proteína en membrana celular como intracelular. Los niveles detectados de la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide en membrana celular, fueron extremadamente bajos, comparados con los encontrados a nivel intracelular. No se encontraron diferencias significativas, en los niveles de expresión de la Proteína Precursora de Amiloide, en ninguno de los tres grupos estudiados (enfermos de Alzheimer portadores de E280A, sanos
Guerra contra las drogas, populismo punitivo y criminalización de la dosis personal War Against Drugs, Punitive Populism and Criminalization of Personal Dose; Colombia
Hernando León Londoo Berrío,Adrián Restrepo Parra
Estudios Políticos , 2011,
Abstract: En el marco de la cuestionada lucha internacional contra las drogas, el esfuerzo del gobierno de álvaro Uribe Vélez logró derogar la política estatal de naturaleza libertaria que permitía la ''dosis personal'', por medio de la aprobación de una reforma constitucional que prohíbe el consumo de drogas y las conductas asociadas con el mismo, lo cual es un hecho político presentado como una política pública justificada en aras del interés general, en beneficio de toda la sociedad, incluido el adicto, a quien se le obliga a su rehabilitación por medio de tratamientos psiquiátricos. La tesis suscrita en este ensayo sostiene que la reforma fue motivada por razones e intereses divergentes a los argumentados, esto es, a la aspiración de reelección presidencial de Uribe Vélez. Siendo así, la política de criminalizar la dosis personal no sería otra cosa que lo nombrado por la criminología como populismo punitivo. Within the context of the so-called ''international war against drugs,'' the efforts of Alvaro Uribe Velez's government managed to abolish the libertarian state policy that allowed a ''personal dose.'' This was done through the passing of a constitutional reform that bans the consumption of drugs and the behaviors usually associated with it. This constitutes a political fact, but it is rather presented as a public policy, justified by the argument of general interest for the benefit of society as a whole, including the addict, who is forced to go through rehabilitation programs based on psychiatric treatment. This article claims that the reform was motivated by reasons and interests different from the ones used as argument to justify it, that is, by the aspiration of Uribe Vélez to being reelected as president. If it is thus, the policy of criminalizing the personal dose is nothing but what criminology has labeled as punitive populism.
Asociación del gen TPO en familias colombianas con la diabetes tipo 1
Gutiérrez-Achury,Javier; Balthazar-González,Vital; Bedoya-Berrío,Gabriel; Ruíz-Linares,Andres; Uribe-Londoo,Federico; Alfaro,Juan Manuel; Pineda-Trujillo,Nicolas;
Iatreia , 2009,
Abstract: we have found linkage and association of type 1 diabetes (t1d) to 2p25. the tpo gene lies within this region. our aim was to test the association of this gene with the susceptibility to t1d in a group of colombian families, all of them originated in antioquia, a special population in northwestern colombia. one hundred familial trios with type 1 diabetes (t1d) were analyzed. they had already been studied for anti-glutamic acid descarboxilase (gad) antibodies and the marker locus d2s319. for further characterization, the probands were tested for autoantibodies against insulin, tpo and thyrosine phosphatase 2 (ia-2). two single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) (rs4927611 and rs732609) were tested in tpo. these two markers were chosen considering that the polymorphism changes the encoded amino-acid and a minor allele frequency, maf, = 0.3. snp typing was carried out by means of the polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphisms (pcr-rflp) and the tetraprimer amplification refractory mutation system (arms-pcr) methods. hardy-weinberg equilibrium (hwe) and linkage disequilibrium (ld) analyses were separately tested on both parents and probands. genetic association was tested by the transmission disequilibrium test (tdt). it was found that 86% of the patients presented at least one of the three auto-antibodies tested. both parents and probands were found in hwe for both snps. in addition, the two markers were found in tight ld (p < 0.0001). a haplotype associated with susceptibility to the disease was identified (p = 0.0116). autoimmunity was found in a proportion similar to that previously reported. it was found that a haplotype at tpo gene is associated with the disease. such haplotype is characterized by alleles g and a at rs4927611 and rs732609 snps, respectively. our results suggest a possible causative participation of the tpo gene in t1d. in order to verify them, a sample of equivalent size is currently being collected, from the same population i
El proyecto de autonomía y la reforma educativa en América latina.
Marcela Londoo Londoo.
Colombia Internacional , 1998,
La exclusión-inclusiva de la nuda vida en el modelo biopolítico de Giorgio Agamben: algunas reflexiones acerca de los puntos de encuentro entre democracia y totalitarismo
Berrío Puerta,Ayder;
Estudios Políticos , 2010,
Abstract: by taking distance from biopower and biopolitics proposed in the mid-seventies by michel foucault, the italian philosopher giorgio agamben comes to a personal biopolitical conception of legal and philosophical slope rather than historical, based on inclusive-exclusion of biological life (bare life) of the human being, as a primal substrate of western politics. the relevant aspect of agamben’s thesis lies in the ability of the inclusive-exclusion of bare life, to show a certain level of indistinctness or contiguity between democracy and totalitarianism, in terms of their practices of management over the lives of individuals and populations, without for it, be unknown or disturb their antagonistic philosophical assumptions. this article aims to offer a critical approach to the implications that bears, for both, theory and political philosophy, the thesis proposed by the italian philosopher giorgio agamben, as the support of its biopolitical model. finally, this article aims to a critical reading, not cyclical, compared to the “new” authors and political theories for our academia.
Supervisores y competitividad del estado en Colombia: un acercamiento crítico
Berrío Zapata,Cristian;
Cuadernos de Administración , 2004,
Abstract: the article wants to call for a reflection about the characteristics of the colombian supervising institutions and their ways of control, making emphasis on the limitations that their rationality impose in respect to the new circumstances of global economy and competitiveness in the “knowledge society”. the insurance delegation of the colombian bank authority has been taken as a sample, collecting experiences from two and a half years of work in the institution as well as historical facts occurred during 1990 decade, when the local market opened to free competition. anachronical and uncompetitive forms of supervision are found as well as the urgency of changes in the direction that the world bank has already pointed. as a conclusion, the basic competences for the insurance market are defined and new forms of evolution proposed regarding supervision, using the model of “competence cycle” tidd (2000), stating that there is a basic role for the state supervisorsin the construction of competitive nations.
Supervisores y competitividad del estado en Colombia: un acercamiento crítico State supervisors and competitiveness in Colombia: a critical approach
Cristian Berrío Zapata
Cuadernos de Administración , 2004,
Abstract: El objetivo del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre las características de las entidades supervisoras en Colombia y sus formas de vigilancia, para mostrar las limitaciones que su racionalidad les impone con respecto a las nuevas circunstancias globales de la economía y las experiencias competitivas en la “Sociedad del Conocimiento”. Se toma como muestra a la Delegatura de Seguros de la Superintendencia Bancaria de Colombia, recogiendo la experiencia de dos a os y medio de trabajo en dicha entidad y los hechos ocurridos en la década de 1990, durante la apertura del mercado asegurador. Del texto se concluye la existencia de formas anacrónicas y poco competitivas de supervisión, y la urgente necesidad de cambios, como ya lo ha se alado el Banco Mundial. Finalmente, se proponen las competencias generales para el mercado asegurador y formas de evolución en la supervisión sobre la base del denominado “Ciclo de Competencias” por Tidd (2000), argumentando el rol decisivo que los supervisores de estado tienen en la construcción de naciones competitivas. The article wants to call for a reflection about the characteristics of the Colombian supervising institutions and their ways of control, making emphasis on the limitations that their rationality impose in respect to the new circumstances of global economy and competitiveness in the “Knowledge Society”. The Insurance Delegation of the Colombian Bank Authority has been taken as a sample, collecting experiences from two and a half years of work in the institution as well as historical facts occurred during 1990 decade, when the local market opened to free competition. Anachronical and uncompetitive forms of supervision are found as well as the urgency of changes in the direction that the World Bank has already pointed. As a conclusion, the basic competences for the insurance market are defined and new forms of evolution proposed regarding supervision, using the model of “Competence Cycle” Tidd (2000), stating that there is a basic role for the state supervisorsin the construction of competitive nations.
La exclusión-inclusiva de la nuda vida en el modelo biopolítico de Giorgio Agamben: algunas reflexiones acerca de los puntos de encuentro entre democracia y totalitarismo The Inclusive-exclusion of the Bare Life in the Biopolitical Model of Giorgio Agamben: Some Reflections on the Intersection between Democracy and Totalitarianism
Ayder Berrío Puerta
Estudios Políticos , 2010,
Abstract: Al tomar distancia con el biopoder y la biopolítica, propuestos a mediados de la década del setenta por Michel Foucault, el filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben llega a una concepción biopolítica propia, de vertiente jurídico-filosófica antes que histórica, apoyada en la exclusión-inclusiva de la vida biológica (nuda vida) del ser humano, como sustrato primigenio de la política en Occidente. Lo relevante de la tesis de Agamben radica en la capacidad que tiene la exclusión-inclusiva de la nuda vida, para evidenciar un cierto umbral de indistinción o contigüidad entre la democracia y el totalitarismo, en cuanto a sus prácticas de gestión sobre la vida de individuos y poblaciones, sin que por ello, se desconozcan o afecten sus presupuestos filosóficos antagónicos. Este artículo pretende ofrecer una aproximación crítica a las implicaciones que reviste para la teoría y filosofía política la tesis propuesta por el filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben, como base de su modelo biopolítico. Por último, este artículo propende por una lectura crítica, no coyuntural, frente a autores y teorías políticas "novedosas" para nuestro medio académico. By taking distance from biopower and biopolitics proposed in the mid-seventies by Michel Foucault, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben comes to a personal biopolitical conception of legal and philosophical slope rather than historical, based on inclusive-exclusion of biological life (bare life) of the human being, as a primal substrate of western politics. The relevant aspect of Agamben’s thesis lies in the ability of the inclusive-exclusion of bare life, to show a certain level of indistinctness or contiguity between democracy and totalitarianism, in terms of their practices of management over the lives of individuals and populations, without for it, be unknown or disturb their antagonistic philosophical assumptions. This article aims to offer a critical approach to the implications that bears, for both, theory and political philosophy, the thesis proposed by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, as the support of its biopolitical model. Finally, this article aims to a critical reading, not cyclical, compared to the “new” authors and political theories for our academia.
La sociología en la Unión Soviética
Londoo Rocío
Revista Colombiana de Sociología , 1979,
Abstract: En el presente a o tuve la oportunidad de viajar a la Unión Soviética, aprovechando la estancia para conocer aspectos fundamentales de la vida socialista y del desarrollo cultural del pueblo soviético, y para obtener, a la vez, un conocimiento sobre su desarrollo científico e intelectual, especialmente en el campo de las ciencias sociales y de la sociologia en particular.

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